Speed Read
Launch a geo-holdout test in Italy, to measure if YouTube can bring incremental value to Amazon for their daily deals programme.
Format of the advert will be a 10-20” video on YouTube with “straight to the point” messaging that is relevant with viral trends. Creative content will need to be localised globally.
Creative Lead, Art Director & Designer
Executive Creative Director: Eloise Smith
Creative, Art Director & Designer: Tessa Noble
Creative, Copywriter: Javed Jasani
Speed reading has become an internet phenomenon with apps claiming that they can teach you to read at up to 1000wpm! Through the power of speed reading combined with a VO, we’ll show the breadth and range of Amazon’s products and the deals possible.
As a VO attempts to list products from A to Z the product names will rapidly flash by on screen. The speed of the product names will far outstrip the VO causing the VO artist to lose their breath and eventually give up. We can also put in “Easter eggs” and references which we can change regularly to encourage repeat viewings.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4